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Nan tea: misty mountain hidden treasure

High-quality wild Assam tea leaves hidden in Nan’s misty mountains have been consumed as “Miang”, a form of ancient snack.

Over 200 years that these tea leaves blossomed in Nan province. Today, their charm have been concocted into a new tea origin to widen your drinking sensations.

the misty mountain province

Nan is a mountainous province with cool and humid climate thanks to constant amount of precipitation throughout. Such fertile conditions represent high potentials for agricultural cultivation, particularly Assam tea. In addition, Nan province is the source of one of the four main rivers in Thailand, which also helps with the cultivation prospects of Assam tea.

Tea civilisation waiting to be discovered

A tea civilisation dated back more than 200 years was recorded as ancient paintings on “Wat Phumin”, the most famous temple in Nan province. They depicted the story of the hill tribes collecting Assam tea leaves on their shoulders to sell in the city, reflecting their longstanding association.

Over this long period, Nan’s Assam tea has had its own evolution due to diverse climate and soil minerals, giving its unrivalled characteristics.

“Nan tea”, tea of the mist:
a new experience of tea drinking

To showcase the unique values of Nan’s Assam tea, Singha Park Chiang Rai has recently invested over one hundred million Baht to establish the largest Assam tea manufacturing and processing plant in Nan Province, supervised by experienced professionals and tea experts ready to meet every demand of your tea business.

Supporting tea cultivation humbly following the footsteps of the Royal Project Foundation

Nan has been selected as one of the pioneering provinces for rural development under the Royal Project Foundation. In the past, people in the area faced poverty due to the lack of proper cultivation understanding. The Royal Project Foundation provided relevant knowledge in agricultural technology and crop selection to improve their livelihood. One of the recommendations was to expand from growing vegetables for household consumption only to growing income-driven harvests like Assam tea, coffee, and winter fruits.

New tea origin for your indulgence

Nan’s Assam tea has its unique characteristics and taste notes, distinctively full-bodied, slightly acidic middle note, and clean after taste without the bitterness.

Thai tea
Milk green tea
Clear green tea
Taiwanese tea
Black tea

Cha Thai (Thai Tea)
Signature Blend

Wild Assam Green Tea
Signature Blend

Nan Essential Milk Tea
Signature Blend

Aromatic Black Tea
Signature Blend